Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Approach to Testing Safety-Critical Internationalized and Localized Software

Many companies would like their software to run in multiple languages so that they can market it around the world. Internationalization, sometimes referred to as I18N (I18N = I[nternationalizatio]N, 18 is the number of letters between the I and N) is a software methodology that makes it possible to create internationalized software at a reasonable cost by separating the executable code from any user interface components. Localization is the process of adaptation of the internationalized software to a new language, only the user interface needs to be translated; the executable code remains unchanged. Internationalization and localization together provide a means to produce the software that is capable to run in multiple languages.

The internationalized and localized applications employ two main principles:
1. Locale dependent strings are separated from the application binary and stored in message catalogs or the resource files, and
2. Locale aware access functions are used to retrieve the messages from the message catalogs or the resource files.

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